Friday, January 19, 2018

Check-Up Appointments

Compared to the main hospital in Paramus, the office in Hasbrouck Heights is very small. My internship there is on Thursdays and usually it becomes rather busy between the hours of 2 and 3 pm. I observe check-up appointments by Dr. Boren, and the patients that come in vary from turtles and guinea pigs to cats and dogs. This week when I arrived, there were two turtles in the third room. It was very interesting to see because it was the first time I saw a turtle at the vet office. Although I did not come in until the very end of the appointment, the owner of the two turtles let me see them and told me one was in for inability of laying her eggs.

Mass Removals

This week at internship there were a couple of mass removal surgeries which are interesting to observe. The mass can be cancerous which obviously means the mass is a tumor and must be removed. Other masses could be non-cancerous and removed for cosmetic reason by the wants of the owner. When masses are cancerous or unknown they are put into a biopsy jar to be taken for further examining. There was a dog with eight masses and all were removed. The instruments shown above are used during mass removal surgeries.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Days of Surgery

Throughout the week I observed surgeries at the hospital which ranged from a mass removal to a neuter. The mass removal was conducted by Dr. Miller and was a quick process because the mass was very small and did not seem to be cancerous. The neuter took around twenty minutes and was a quick process as well. There were no time consuming surgeries this week. When I was not observing in surgery, I was assisting Veterinary Technicians in surgery prep by taking vitals and lifting animals onto tables.